So this summer has been such a blast! I actually thought it would be boring because for half of the summer i lived by myself! After i got use to how quiet was I was just fine. There are actually a lot of good things about living by yourself.
- If the kitchen is a mess, I can only get mad at myself.
- I can do my laundry whenever I want, I swear my roommates and I always run out of clean underwear at the same time!
- I can be as noisy as I want to be and not have to worry about keeping anyone up at night! (well besides my neighbors)
- There is no one being noisy at night to keep me up when I want to go to bed! (well besides my neighbors...but they are pretty quiet!)
- I can watch T.V. in the living room anytime, and I watch whatever I want!
- Movie Night
- Going to FHE (Family Home Evening)
- Frisby
- Pranks! (but for some reason we always get caught!)
- She-Hawing
- Roasting Marshmallows
- Making dinner
- Doing random things
- Decorating my apartment
- Getting Frozen Yogurt
- Watching the Bachelorette every Monday night.
- Random trips to Wal Mart
One thing that has been very weird this summer is that for some odd reason everyone and their dogs have wanted to set me up with some guy! Everyone from my co-workers to my friends have told me about some guy! I think if my family starts up with it I might just run away!!! My friends decided that they all want to find a guy for me...don't get me wrong I like guys but its a little crazy!
So that is a little of what has gone on this summer. Hopefully I will start remember more things that happened! I am so sad that summer is coming to an end, I am just not ready for school to start again!
DANI aka LL~ I love your blog and I still love you even though you called USU stupid! We have had some great times this summer, only one more week to party it up (tear)! You better keep blogging through the school year!