Monday, November 21, 2011


Wow, it has been a little while since a have blogged. My computer was having a few problems, but thanks to my wonderful brother it is now fixed! I can finally do homework at home now and not have to spend almost every night in the library. YAY! This semester has been very busy, but its very close to being over. Then only ONE more semester till I GRADUATE!!! I can not believe that I am so close to having my degree! It has always been a goal of mine to receive a bachelors degree, and all the late nights in the library, long hours of studying, pulling all nighters, too much money in tuition, and all the other wonderful things that come with being a college student will have finally paid off! Lets just hope I can pass my economics class this might be a little questionable right now.
I finally got to do something that I have been wanting to do for quite a while now. I finally got to go on my ride alongs! I have been on 2 now and they were absolutely AMAZING! I first went with the Cedar City Police Department, and just the other day I went with the Iron County Sheriffs Office! When I went with CCPD I got to ride with 2 different officers, which was really fun because I got to hear their different opinions about everything. Then when I was with the sheriffs deputy, I got to see someone that was a little in between the two officers from CCPD.  During the two ride alongs I was able to go on patrol, see a uncooperative guy get arrested for a DUI, went to a domestic dispute, did a little stake out, help a person who ran out of gas on the free way, made traffic stops, and some other stuff.  When I was with the ICSO it was a really dead night and we didn't get a single call, but it was still fun. The deputy was really nice and answered all my questions and told me so much great information.  I have fallen in love with law enforcement and I cannot wait to start my career in it!
Another interesting thing has been my new apartment.  My room is small, but it works.  I live on the third floor, so I don't hear too much noise from other neighbors, which is very nice.  I am living closer to campus which is nice because I don't have to leave as early to get to work or school. The only problem is one crazy roommate...I think Heavenly Father might be trying to teach me how to deal with crazy people and to have more patience.
My brother Tyler FINALLY got engaged!  I am excited to have another sister-in-law.  They have been dating for a very long time, so we have all been expecting this for quite some time.
As far as what next semester will bring...who knows! I registered for another psychology class...I think I am loosing my mind! I always hated psychology, but it will be an easy class. Plus, I guess psychology isn't as bad as I thought it was, I am becoming more interested in it.
Anyways that is a little of what is going on in my life.  I feel like I mostly go to school, work, then come home and do homework, but every once in a while I do something a little fun! :)  

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Back to School

Summer seriously went by in the blink of an eye! I don't know how it goes by so fast every year, but oh well! The past couple of weeks were busy, between moving (again) getting ready for school, working, playing, and trying to get some last minute lazy time in the last of the summer ended way too quickly. I started my LAST YEAR at SUU! It's such a weird feeling that next fall I wont be here anymore, but graduating and having my degree is something that I have always wanted for myself. This semester will be a busy one, but it should be good. A little about my classes are:
  • History- Hitler and Nazi Germany (I have been wanting to take this class for 3 years! It will be an AMAZING class!)
  • Criminal Justice- its full of freshmen, but it will be an interesting class, and very helpful to me in the future.
  • Micro Economics- This one will be a hard class, but hopefully I will pass! I will actually have to read the text book :(
  • Psychology- Please kill me now! This will probably be one of the worst classes to attend. 4-5:30 is not my ideal time to go to class. Plus the professor (who was nick-named Willy Wonka by Norm last year) is not my favorite person...
  • Yoga- I am really excited for this one, I SO need some relaxation time! I plan to find my chi or whatever this semester!
I am crossing my fingers that I will pass everything so there will be no summer school for Dani. I have already been to the library to do homework! Aliese and I don't ever get that much done, but we do have fun in there! I plan to keep up on homework this semester, and to hopefully get my apartment unpacked sometime before the end of the semester!

Thursday, July 28, 2011


Summer has been pretty darn good so far. I have had my ups and my downs but for the most part it's been one that I wont forget. School is coming way too fast, and I can't believe that I will be starting my last year at SUU soon! I will be so happy to graduate, but at the same time it is pretty scary! I am not sure what will happen once I leave SUU. I will be moving...again in a couple of weeks. I'm sad to leave this apartment. I love it SO much. I know moving to this apartment was what I was suppose to do, and I know I am meant to move to another apartment. Some of the highlights of summer have been...
  • Going on my new adventure
  • Making important steps to a possible career!
  • Watching way too much TV (thank you Net Flix and Hulu)
  • Getting really random complements... A few were...A guy went out of his way to tell me how much I looked like Miranda Lambert...A little girl told me and Jess how pretty we were
  • Finally getting so much of my stuff organized, which will make moving so much easier!
  • Playing tennis with Becky.
  • Random trips to St. George to spend time with friends and family!
  • Being able to share the Gospel with my neighbor.
  • Going to a new ward and new stake.
  • Having a nice view from the living room window.

There were a few bad things this summer too. My Grandpa Rex passed away. It was quite a shock to our family. He is in a better place now. My cat of 17 years also passes away. Poofy was more than my cat, he was my best friend. I got him in the second grade, so it's hard to think of a time when he wasn't there. He was very old and sick. I am glad he is now in a better place and is no longer suffering anymore.

For the last couple weeks of summer I will be packing, cleaning, and enjoying my time doing nothing, because once school starts I will be very busy! I am not looking forward to all the homework that I will have, but it will be a whole new adventure for me in a new apartment. I am looking forward to meeting new people and enjoying my last year of college!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Change of Address

It's official, I have a new address! I made the big move all the way across Cedar City! Living in Fiddlers has been good so far. Our apartment is still a mess and I still have quite a few boxes to go through, but it's starting to feel a little more like home! I like a lot of things better about this apartment than the last one, however there are a couple of dislikes too, but for the most part we love it! The good things are:
  • Only one roommate, who is freaking awesome!
  • Our land lord Bruce, he wears embroidered butt jeans which is funny, but he is way supper nice and great to work with!
  • Always having a parking spot in front of my apartment! I never have to park in BFE like at Stadium Way!
  • No freshman neighbors! I no longer have to hear stupid girls screaming!
  • Our great friend/neighbor Norm!
  • It's a grown up apartment!
  • Everything in it is ours, and we are making it cute!
  • I can actually share this bathroom no problem.
  • I have an awesome loft's actually my brothers old bunk beds, but I a ton of storage under my bed!
  • Quiet Neighbors!
The bad things about it are:
  • We have to leave our house about 10 minutes early, because it's so far away.
  • No will I ever keep up with the Kardashians now?
  • The steep driveway might be interesting in the winter...
  • The unpacking is never ending!
There are a more positives than negatives about this place. I have always loved these apartments and love that I now rent one! I feel more grown up at this place, and its weird but a good weird!

Moving was an interesting task for me. If you know me at all, you know I have a lot of stuff. Packing started in was a long process. Moving started Sunday afternoon and ended on Tuesday. I don't think that unpacking will ever end! It took my mom and I over 4 hours to clean my old apartment! I was really sad to leave my apartment in Stadium Way. It was such a great place to live! My room was awesome, but it was time to move on. I will miss many things about that place. I have so many amazing memories from there and I will always treasure them. College has taught me so many life lessons, and they were all learned at that apartment.

Thanks to my awesome family for helping me move, and especially to my mommy for all of her help! She is awesome!

Saturday, March 26, 2011


I have never ever been a fan of change. I actually hate it. I really do not like going outside of my comfort zone and making my life different. I did not want to graduate from high school and move away from my parents house, but once I did and got situated down in Cedar City I began to love it. Some change can be good, but I just hate the process of it all.

It is time for a big change in my life, and I am not sure how I feel about it. After living in Stadium Way for 4 years in the same room, I will be moving to a different part of town. This is a big change for me, I have only moved once in my life. I love my apartment here, but I am now one of the oldest ones, and I am not liking it. Danielle, Ashleigh, and I just signed a 1 year lease on a very cute apartment! Getting a grown-up apartment is a lot different and more difficult that I ever thought it was going to be. It was pretty stressful but I think we will be happy with our decision. We will be living on the north side of town, so that means that I will have to wake up even earlier to get to school. That wont be fun, but we will finally be away from all the freshmen!

So now that I actually have to move, I have to start thinking about packing. For the average college student they usually move after the school year, but me I have been in the same room for 4 years, and I have acquired so much stuff...It's actually kind of sickening! I have started to go through a couple of things and it has already been quite a job. The sad part is that I have not even hit the tip of the ice burg! We get to move in on the 1st of May, that gives me the whole week of finals week to move, the only problem is that finals week is stressful enough, and I will be busy at work with one of the busiest holidays of the year: Mothers Day. So I hope I can get a lot of stuff packed before hand, I just do not know where to begin! I need to get rid of a bunch of stuff. The D.I. will love me!

So with the addition of moving, comes another huge change in my life...GRADUATION!!! Now it wont be till next year, but ready or not in just over a year I will once again put on that cap and gown and be done with school at SUU. (Unless I get a wild hair and decide to go to grad school here, but not likely) I need to talk to my councilor to hash out all the details, but I know that I can finish my degree within a year. Now since I can't really do much with my degree so I have been thinking what I really want to do with the rest of my life. I have come to the conclusion that I would like to do something in criminal justice. I don't know what I will end up doing, but I think that is where I want to end up someday. Maybe in the job that would give my parents a heart attack, but I am keeping that one a secrete for now. I know I will have to go to more school for it, but I would rather do something worth while and that I know I would love and be happy, then do something that would make me miserable.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Spring Break!

Is anything better than Spring Break? Well...I guess some things can be better than spring break, but it is a much needed free week right now! I am loving putting school on hold for one week. I am pretty sure that all of my professors got together and decided that they would plot against me to make my life a living hell for two straight weeks leading up to spring break. I made it through the craziness and I am dreading when I have to go back to school!

So anyone that knows me will tell you my room is a total mess 90% of the time. It's not something that I exactly like, but I just get so far behind in my cleaning that its a little overwhelming, I then usually get an "I don't care" attitude and deal with it for a while. Well on my day off I decided that I would try to clean my room. It's quite the task! I didn't get it as clean as I wanted, but I made major progress, which is a big improvement. Some things that I learned while cleaning my extremely messy room were:
1. Cleaning pays off...literally! I found $50 I totally forgot I had! I thought I had already spent it, so that was such a nice surprise.
2. I have so many shoes that I could probably put shoes on every person in a third world country! I blame this on my mom...she is a shoe freak too!
3. If you stay in the same apartment for almost four years, you find out how much crap you have collected...I probably have 4 times as much stuff as I did when I moved here.
4. Trash can pile up very fast, and will appear in the most random places.
5. I have way too much jewelry... I don't know what to do with all of it.
6. I really need to go through all of my clothes. My closet is over flowing. I also have a shopping problem, again another thing that I have inherited from my mom.
There are other random little things, but to sum it all up when I move it's going to be one hell of a job! I have way too much crap! If anyone would like to help me move, you are all more than welcome to come!

I spent one night of my spring break in St. George. I stayed at my brother Tyler's apartment. It was so fun! Ty slept on the couch and Kristen and I slept on extra mattresses on the floor. I laughed so hard at Ty and his roommates! Braeden opening the fridge and having a whole jar of pickles go on the floor was pretty funny. I also got to have my hair needed it so bad! I got to also see Rustin and Baby Porter for a second! Porter looked so cute in his St. Patrick's Day outfit!

So...turning a bad day into a good day is possible. I was feeling sad about a couple of things and so were the roommates...we decided to have some fun to cheer us all up! Amanda and I went bowling. It was a lot of fun, and a good way to get some frustration out! Neither of us did to well, but we had fun and that is what really counts! After that we decided to go to Canyon Park and swing. It was a very windy day and a bit chilly but it was still way fun. We also played on the play ground, we all felt like little kids again. After that we played Just Dance 2 and some singing game on the wii. It was a great day!

The slide was so fun!
I think I was climbing up the little rock wall
I always think its funny that there is always a steering wheel on a playground...Don't worry I was a good driver, and I did not wreck the playground into another playground!
Getting ready to go down the slide. I'm not quite sure what my hair is trying to do though.
Climbing up the hole!

Rachel in the tube
Rachel likes the baby swings!
Amanda and Abish playing Just Dance 2
I told them to act like it was hard to get up...

Rachel's Discovery

Spring break is over and I am sad! Homework was put off ...not a good thing! Its been so nice to not have to worry about everything and just enjoy myself, now back to the busy life! I must also say that I have the most amazing friends in the world! I have never in my life had greater friends than I do now. I know they will always be there for me if I ever need anything...even if its just to sit on the phone with me when I am sad and crying! Everyone comes into your life for a reason. These people help us in some way, teach us something about ourselves, and make us better people. Thanks to all my wonderful friends!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Pictures of the Deer and Porter

The Deer

My Kill!

Gabby and I with the Deer

I hope she feels bad!

Little Porter before he got a bath. He is so Cute!

Look at his little eyebrows! I just can't get over how cute he is!!!

In his football outfit, with his football shoes, on his football blanket! All ready for the Super Bowl!

Just after he was born. I love his spit bubbles!

Zeus and I! I love that little guy! I am his favorite!

So...Its been a while...

Its been quite a while since I have blogged...I always forget to blog, or if I remember there is nothing going on in my life that I would say is "Blog Worthy." So this semester is in full swing now! The homework is really starting to pick up, and I do not care for it one bit! But I do not think I have ever liked doing my homework. I am learning a lot about Utah though. Geography of Utah and History of Utah will do that for you!

Valentine's Day has come and gone for this year...THANK GOODNESS!!! I absolutely HATE Valentine's Day!!! Being a florist has ruined it for life. I got sick right before it too...making it extra miserable. This year we didn't have to work till 1 a.m. though, which was EXTREMELY nice!!! I can't wait for the Valentine's Day that I am not playing in the flowers!

So did you know that it is not very fun to hit a deer with your car? Ya, I learned that this weekend! Danielle and I went to put gas in my car Friday night, then we were going to go on a little drive...well after putting gas in my car (which was not cheep at all...DANG GAS PRICES!!!) we started to drive down main street in Cedar City. Out of the corner of my eye I saw what I thought was a dog running into the road and I slowed down and tried to get into the other lane...Well I wasn't fast enough and BAM!!! I ran into the stupid deer, it came up on to my hood and I said choice words as Danielle let out a big scream! The deer then ran away. We pulled off onto the side of the road, Danielle called the cops and I called my parents. While waiting for the cops, we heard another car hit the same deer! This deer was suicidal!!! The deer is now dead, my car is dented, and I now hate deer! It turned what was to be a awesome girls night into a horrible night! I was surprised at how little damage was done to my car, it could have been so much worse. We were so lucky! Adam came and rescued us, he has now had to rescue me twice...I should make him cookies! Tyler and Kristen came up to make sure I was alright, it made me feel so much better!

The best thing that has happened so far this semester is that on February 2 I became an Aunt when little Porter Rustin Harris came into the world! He is such a pretty little baby boy! I love him so much! I love being an aunt to more than just a dog. I can't wait to go back to see him.

So that is a little of what has been going on lately. I skipped a lot, but that's all I could think of right now. Hopefully the next post will be sooner rather than later...but I can not make any promises right now! :)