So anyone that knows me will tell you my room is a total mess 90% of the time. It's not something that I exactly like, but I just get so far behind in my cleaning that its a little overwhelming, I then usually get an "I don't care" attitude and deal with it for a while. Well on my day off I decided that I would try to clean my room. It's quite the task! I didn't get it as clean as I wanted, but I made major progress, which is a big improvement. Some things that I learned while cleaning my extremely messy room were:
1. Cleaning pays off...literally! I found $50 I totally forgot I had! I thought I had already spent it, so that was such a nice surprise.
2. I have so many shoes that I could probably put shoes on every person in a third world country! I blame this on my mom...she is a shoe freak too!
3. If you stay in the same apartment for almost four years, you find out how much crap you have collected...I probably have 4 times as much stuff as I did when I moved here.
4. Trash can pile up very fast, and will appear in the most random places.
5. I have way too much jewelry... I don't know what to do with all of it.
6. I really need to go through all of my clothes. My closet is over flowing. I also have a shopping problem, again another thing that I have inherited from my mom.
There are other random little things, but to sum it all up when I move it's going to be one hell of a job! I have way too much crap! If anyone would like to help me move, you are all more than welcome to come!
I spent one night of my spring break in St. George. I stayed at my brother Tyler's apartment. It was so fun! Ty slept on the couch and Kristen and I slept on extra mattresses on the floor. I laughed so hard at Ty and his roommates! Braeden opening the fridge and having a whole jar of pickles go on the floor was pretty funny. I also got to have my hair needed it so bad! I got to also see Rustin and Baby Porter for a second! Porter looked so cute in his St. Patrick's Day outfit!
So...turning a bad day into a good day is possible. I was feeling sad about a couple of things and so were the roommates...we decided to have some fun to cheer us all up! Amanda and I went bowling. It was a lot of fun, and a good way to get some frustration out! Neither of us did to well, but we had fun and that is what really counts! After that we decided to go to Canyon Park and swing. It was a very windy day and a bit chilly but it was still way fun. We also played on the play ground, we all felt like little kids again. After that we played Just Dance 2 and some singing game on the wii. It was a great day!
Spring break is over and I am sad! Homework was put off ...not a good thing! Its been so nice to not have to worry about everything and just enjoy myself, now back to the busy life! I must also say that I have the most amazing friends in the world! I have never in my life had greater friends than I do now. I know they will always be there for me if I ever need anything...even if its just to sit on the phone with me when I am sad and crying! Everyone comes into your life for a reason. These people help us in some way, teach us something about ourselves, and make us better people. Thanks to all my wonderful friends!
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