Its been quite a while since I have blogged...I always forget to blog, or if I remember there is nothing going on in my life that I would say is "Blog Worthy." So this semester is in full swing now! The homework is really starting to pick up, and I do not care for it one bit! But I do not think I have ever liked doing my homework. I am learning a lot about Utah though. Geography of Utah and History of Utah will do that for you!
Valentine's Day has come and gone for this year...THANK GOODNESS!!! I absolutely HATE Valentine's Day!!! Being a florist has ruined it for life. I got sick right before it too...making it extra miserable. This year we didn't have to work till 1 a.m. though, which was EXTREMELY nice!!! I can't wait for the Valentine's Day that I am not playing in the flowers!
So did you know that it is not very fun to hit a deer with your car? Ya, I learned that this weekend! Danielle and I went to put gas in my car Friday night, then we were going to go on a little drive...well after putting gas in my car (which was not cheep at all...DANG GAS PRICES!!!) we started to drive down main street in Cedar City. Out of the corner of my eye I saw what I thought was a dog running into the road and I slowed down and tried to get into the other lane...Well I wasn't fast enough and BAM!!! I ran into the stupid deer, it came up on to my hood and I said choice words as Danielle let out a big scream! The deer then ran away. We pulled off onto the side of the road, Danielle called the cops and I called my parents. While waiting for the cops, we heard another car hit the same deer! This deer was suicidal!!! The deer is now dead, my car is dented, and I now hate deer! It turned what was to be a awesome girls night into a horrible night! I was surprised at how little damage was done to my car, it could have been so much worse. We were so lucky! Adam came and rescued us, he has now had to rescue me twice...I should make him cookies! Tyler and Kristen came up to make sure I was alright, it made me feel so much better!
The best thing that has happened so far this semester is that on February 2 I became an Aunt when little Porter Rustin Harris came into the world! He is such a pretty little baby boy! I love him so much! I love being an aunt to more than just a dog. I can't wait to go back to see him.
So that is a little of what has been going on lately. I skipped a lot, but that's all I could think of right now. Hopefully the next post will be sooner rather than later...but I can not make any promises right now! :)