Wednesday, December 8, 2010

End of the Semester

So the semester is FINALLY over with! Woot Woot!!! This has been a pretty tough semester, and the sad thing is next semester will be even harder! Oh well, hopefully it will be worth it in the end. I am so so so excited for Christmas break, it will be epic! One of my BFFs Jenny will be back in Cedar, so we have plans to PARTY!!! Some of the highlights of the semester were:
  • Library dates with Danielle...even though We never got that much done!
  • Spending countless hours in the library...I almost pack my suit case to camp out there for a week!
  • Spending every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in the living room for an hour with Michelle and Josh. We totally should have our own talk show! We totally can solve all the worlds problems. Ha Ha
  • Ashleigh and I talking about how much we HATE our SPED class...Our professor is the DEVIL!!!
  • Filling out my study guide with Norm for our psychology class, and calling our professor Wonka...He seriously looks like Willy Wonka! (old version, not Jonny Depp)
  • Getting to see my brother Tyler play football most weekends!
  • Playing on the slot machines in Vegas for the first time! I lost $2 but it was so worth it!
  • Waking up in the morning to find loads of snow on my car :(
  • Scraping that lovely frost off my windshield, making me late for class...yet again
  • Walking in 20 minutes late to classes everyday for the last week of classes!
  • Driving around Cedar City wasting my gas, but having so much fun with friends!
  • The new quote wall in our living room...if only people knew the real meaning behind most of them! ha ha
  • The fun times when Jenny would come down and see me and Danielle!
  • Danielle and I introducing ourselves to the freshman together..."Hi I'm Danielle, Hi I'm Danielle" ha ha we got so many confused looks! But hey it is our name!
  • Friday night dinner with Jessica Stoneman...its basically our weekly ritual!
  • FINALLY telling someone off. (only a few of you will get this one)
  • Buying a new was a life saver to my hair!
  • Jessica and I making fun of one of our favorite Facebook friends...
I am sure there were many highlights over this semester that I cannot remember...I should really keep a journal or something, but who has time for that? I am really not looking forward to next semester, but the sooner it comes, the sooner it goes, and then SUMMER!!! I am ready to wear my flip-flops again! I ended this semester with a "Congratulations you made it to the end of the semester" present to myself, it was a little trip to St. George to get a pedicure! It was pretty much the best time of my life! I highly recommend getting one! Plus Jamie painted my toes extremely cute! Red SPARKLY Toes, Green and White Dots, and Ho Ho Ho on one toe, and a cute Christmas Tree on the other! They are so cute I never want to take them off! I decided to make a after the semester pedicure present a tradition...after all I did work very hard!

Christmas break so far has been good, Jessica and I have been hanging out a lot...we have not done that much, but we are taking a much needed break! I am so excited to go home for Christmas! I just LOVE Christmas! I am excited to see my family, eat lots of good food, get presents, and not have to do anything! I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas!!!