So this past weekend My Momma, Kristen (Tyler's Girlfriend) and I went to Arcata, California to watch Tyler's football game! We had a lot of fun, however the people up there are pretty strange! Some of the interesting things were:
- Everyone talking about POT and GETTING HIGH!!! (apparently its like the pot capital of America!)
- The guy who got us our rental car (who also talked about pot) had fingernails longer than my Mom! and she has pretty long fingernails! It was pretty much disgusting!
- The funny sign we got when we flew into Arcata at midnight, It said that Bob would be a little late! ha ha oh Bob!
- The lady that checked us in and out of our hotel (yes she talked about pot too!) told good luck with our hair, and that we would have the "Humboldt Friz" She said that they all look like there on drugs, but they are not...I beg to differ! Oh and when we check out she told us that we in fact did have the "Humboldt Friz" I wanted to ask her if that was just a nice way of saying we looked like crap!
- We went to the mall to kill some time, we saw some pretty interesting people there...including a woman walking around the mall BREAST FEEDING!!! YUCK!!! Please people do that in private!!!
- The pillows in the hotel were interesting, they were more like through pillows! ha ha!
- When we were leaving the wonderful people in security at the extremely small airport let my Kristen go through with my mom's ticket, and Kristen went through with my moms! Yep they felt safe! I also went the whole trip with the name Daniells Harris, Not Danielle Harris!
- Kristen was mistaken for Miley Cyrus!
Even though it was interesting we still had so much fun! The good parts were:
- Being with my Mama! She is the Best!!! Love her!!!
- Kristen is pretty much awesome! Tyler has the best girlfriend ever!!!
- Flying is pretty fun, and the good thing is I didn't get sick this time!!! (Thanks to almost a whole bottle of Dramamine! That stuff is AMAZING!!!)
- The lady that I sat by at the football game was really nice! Even is she did cheer for Humboldt! She did cheer a couple of times for Dixie, because I told her my brother played for them! She also told me she had been to Cedar City! Small World!!!
- My Mom bought her me and Kristen semi-matching pajamas! We slept in STYLE!!!
- Thank Goodness for GPS on our phones...I think we would still be trying to find the mall if it were not for them, not to mention all the other places we visited!
- I got to gamble for the first time in the Las Vegas Airport!!! It was so AWESOME!!! I lost 2 dollars and had no idea what I was doing but it was still so fun!!!
- Waking up at 2:50 Sunday morning was AWESOME!!! Oh wait no that really sucked!!!
- It was so pretty and green there!
The trip was way fun, and we have some of the best memories!!! Even though they lost Tyler played great, I just felt bad they had to ride a bus for 23 HOURS!!! (sitting by the bathroom, Braeden said it smelt like boiling pee the whole time!) I am sure there are many things I am leaving out but I will also put picture on! However I have no desire to ever go to Northern California ever again! Ha Ha Sorry!!!

Me and Kristen before the game started! Their stadium is so pretty!

Me and Kristen in front of our UGLY rental car! We HATED it! Ha Ha

Kristen, Mom, and Me at the game! In Barry's words We are Hot!!!

Me and Kristen. I was gambling for the first time EVER!!! So fun!

Our Welcome Sign! Poor Bob was running late!